BCHS Receives Accreditation Award with Exemplary Standing

For Immediate Release
January 3, 2024
BCHS Receives Accreditation Award with Exemplary Standing
Brantford, ON – Brant Community Healthcare System (BCHS) is pleased to announce that it was awarded with a decision of Accredited with Exemplary Standing, the highest level of Accreditation rank. The decision came following a thorough assessment of BCHS’s services by surveyors from Accreditation Canada, which took place from November 14-17, 2023.
Accreditation Canada is a national accrediting body for healthcare organizations, and BCHS uses Accreditation Canada’s Qmentum Program Standards. BCHS achieved 99.5% compliance with all Accreditation standards and met all Required Organizational Practices (ROPs). This tremendous achievement demonstrates BCHS’s commitment to providing safe, high-quality patient care.
“I am incredibly proud of the employees, professional staff, and volunteers at BCHS,” said Erin Sleeth, Interim President & CEO. “Accreditation is a quality improvement process; it helps our organization identify what we are doing well and where we need to focus our improvement ideas. Part of our strategic plan is to Always be Accreditation-Ready, and our teams have demonstrated how seriously they take that commitment.”
The Accreditation Canada surveyors left BCHS with a list of recommendations on how to continually improve, and BCHS will work to address those recommendations over the next few months.
Media Contact:
Alena Lukich
Chief Strategy, Quality, Risk & Communications Officer
Brant Community Healthcare System