Patient Experience & Feedback
Our Patient Experience Office is here to help. If you have feedback about your experience at Brant Community Healthcare System, we want to hear from you. It helps us to provide the best healthcare possible when we hear the things we do well and what we need to improve.
Patient Experience is available to help support patients, their family and the community when they have complaints, compliments or questions about their experience at BCHS. We have a process to investigate, resolve and record complaints and to make improvements based upon the feedback that we get. If you have a concern, it will be responded to in a respectful, supportive and timely manner.
BCHS Patient Declaration of Values
If you have a compliment to share with us, please feel free to speak with your care provider or contact the Patient Experience Specialist using one of the methods below. We will share your stories with the physicians and staff that were involved in your care, unless you ask us not to.
Complaints or Suggestion for Improvement
It is best to solve your concern at the time and place that they happen. We suggest that you start by speaking directly to the person that is providing your care or the manager of the unit. If you do not feel comfortable doing so or feel that your concern has not been addressed, please contact the Patient Experience Specialist using one of the methods below.
Contacting the Patient Experience Specialist
By phone: 519-751-5544 x2395
In Person: The Patient Experience Office, B-Wing, Level 1
By Mail: Office of Patient Experience
200 Terrace Hill Street
Brantford, ON N3R 1G9
Email Patient Experience Share your Compliment or Concern Online
Please note: if you are providing feedback for someone other than yourself, Brant Community Healthcare System must have consent of the patient (or their parent/guardian) before disclosing any information to a third party. If the patient is not capable of providing consent, we will require consent from the patient’s Substitute Decision Maker (SDM).